Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Welcome, and thank you for checking out my new blog!

I've been thinking about doing this for a while and finally figured 'eh why not?  For those of you who don't all ready know I am currently enrolled with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to become a health coach, which means I'd better start practicing what I preach, and I thought I would share my journey with you.  So in the future I expect that I will have quite a lot to say about my experiments in new eating habits, exercise and whatever else is on my mind that is health related, along with sharing the tidbits of knowlege that I find fascinating.

Ultimately I am doing the school because I have reached a point in my life where change in my lifestyle is essential for my continued Journey of Wholeness to be all God intended me to be and I know I am supposed to share this journey with others. So Blessings, Shalom and here are my first thoughts.

Kombucha ~ my wonder drink

I first saw Kombucha as I was wandering through our local food co-op, "fermented tea? weird" I thought, but on an impulse I decided to give it a try.  It was kind of funny tasting, I'll give it that, and I do derive a small amount of mirth from watching the faces of my friends and family when they try my "special drink". But what I didn't find so funny was how I felt after drinking it, in short I felt amazing.  I felt re-energized and have since found it to be a great remedy for indigestion, upset stomachs, headaches, and low energy to name a few things.

It may be TMI for some of you but the last few days I have been sick as a dog, the whole nine yards. Just, Yuck.  This morning though I remembered that I had a bottle of Kombucha with lemon juice in the fridge, I've been sipping on it slowly all day and I feel immensely better this evening.  The manufacturers of Kombucha will attribute it's apparent health benefits to the living bacteria and enzymes that support the pancreas and liver in their cleansing functions as well as the digestive process, and the antioxidants found in the tea.

I just starting looking around on the web out of curiosity because I was going to write this post and have found that apparently there is some controversy over the health benefits of Kombucha.  All I can say is it works for me, it may not work for you, and everything in moderation.  I certainly wouldn't drink it everyday, but don't let that deter you.  Go ahead and give it a try and let me know what you think! (By the way, it does come with fruit juices added to it in different flavors making it pretty palatable in my opinion, and be sure to get a brand labeled "Raw")

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